Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have been a bad blogger...

I feel ashamed. I am not keeping up with my objective of posting. A lot positive is going on in the world and I want to focus on it. For example, I think that folks who adopt kids are just plain super cool. That is all I am gonna say about that.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb. 01

Alright, today is the beginning of Feb. and it is Super Bowl Sunday. As a result, I would like to post a killer salsa dip recipe for all to enjoy:

2 cans black beans (drained)
1 can white shoepeg corn (drained)
1 can rotel
1/2 red onion chopped
3 cloves garlic chopped
juice of one lime
handful of chopped cilantro
salt and pepper to taste is really good.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jan. 31st

I was able to get a good run In today. I am starting to feel much stronger. Usually, I pick something good out of humanity to post, but in less than 30 days, I have a bad example to post. At the grocery store parking lot today, a lady stole a spot that my family and I had our blinker on an were waiting for....ugrhhhhhh.

The good part of the story is that I did not walk out of the truck and take my flip flop off and commence to beating the individual featureless with the flip flop. So, being with your kids, wife, and just plain growing up is a positive thing.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan. 18th - Jan. 30th

Still running all the time. If I ever learn how to post pics, I will do a before and after when the big weigh loss phase is over. I am thinking that it will take about a year, but I will lose 100 lbs.

The positive aspect of the world that I will cite in this post is a person at work. They do so many nice things for others, and they never have to brag on the fact that they did this or that for someone else. When you know that there are folks like this, it will definitely restore your faith in humanity.

Just a weird little factoid also, is that I think I am starting to really like electron/techno music. I know, I can't believe it either.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jan. 17th

I am so pumped. I just went for 4 mile run. This the longest since my comeback to running. I plan on posting my progress for some accountability, so I may reach my goals.

My positive reference today is Fraternities. I have found so many old college folks recently and have been really amazed at how well they are doing. My Fraternity was a huge reason that I was able to complete school after my Mom passed. For this very fact, I will always be very grateful.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Days 8 - 11


I am trying to get back in to a sport/activity that produces my greatest weight loss goals previously. There is just something that I love about jogging. I also love the unwritten etiquette, whereby runners/walkers/cyclist and others, nod their head to say, I am glad that you our our here giving It your best.

I also am not running for vanity or myself, but for my family. It has been decided by our Father, that my wife and I are going to be blessed with identical twin boys. Add that to my existing responsibilities, and I do not want some insurance guy to make any cracks about my weight.

Wish me luck...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 2 - 7

Intense feelings as the ultrasound tech swirled around on my wife's belly. All in attendance believe that they know what they have just seen, but we will need to Dr. to confirm. Yes....Yes, you heard it hear first, we are expecting identical twin boys. If you ever did not firmly believe that the birth of a child was a miracle, you definitely would when you see identical twins jumping around on a big flat screen.

This post is such a positive attribute to 2009, that it encompasses way more than just one day.